Ignore the fact that so many people, down through the ages, have woven their knowledge of energetic systems into their religions. Our bodies and minds work the way they work. Why allow someone’s superstitions to keep you from putting this precious knowledge to work for you?
While Westerners have been slow to learn about the human energetic systems and how treating them can eliminate or reduce our mental and physical health problems, momentum has been gaining and Western researchers and practitioners are now contributing much to this body of knowledge. The surface may have only been scratched, but many users are finding energy-system treatments to be of great benefit to them. Perhaps strangely, the problems that can be most often remedied this way, tend to be those that conventional, drug/surgery medicine treats poorly.
The Mind-Body Disease Link
In the excellent book, Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection, by John E. Sarno, M.D., the author makes the case that repressed emotions are the cause of many diseases. While the book is nominally about TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome), Dr. Sarno adds to the body of work that suggests that emotions are the source of various diseases such as ulcers, hernias, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), allergies, prostatitis, headaches, fibromyalgia, and many, many others.The assertion is that the subconscious mind causes the disease in order to keep the victim from having to consciously face certain emotions. One mechanism put forth is that the subconscious causes anxiety and tension, which in turn cause oxygen deprivation to the tissues involved. Thus, the muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments are adversely affected.
Although some diseases are apparently more likely to be caused by this emotions/tension link than are others, there is reason to believe that a great many diseases can be caused by the mind. One such reason is that placebos work on so many patients in clinical trials, no matter the disease being studied. By the way, with placebos, problems can easily return, if not as the same ailment, then as another. It’s best to get rid of the underlying cause.
While most of the solutions presented on this website cost money, some do not. Do not underestimate the value of those that are free. They take time to learn, and use, but should be well worth your effort.
The Subconscious Mind
Although everyone has heard of the subconscious mind, few people ever learn much about it. According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the noun subconscious is defined as:the part of your mind which notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so, and which influences your behavior although you are not aware of it: The memory was buried deep within my subconscious.This definition goes to peoples’ general knowledge of the subconscious, but the hidden part of our minds is far more than that. First of all, in terms of processing power, the inner mind is estimated to do perhaps 85 to 90 percent of the total processing of the combined conscious/subconscious mind. Here are some of the functions of your subconscious mind:
- It monitors and controls all high-level electrical and chemical processes in your body.
- It controls your muscles, including those for heartbeat, breathing, and locomotion.
- It marshals responses to injury and disease, as well as to immediate threats.
- It stores memories of all sensory input data, as well as all of your thoughts.
- It stores all of your emotions.
- It quickly finds applicable memory fragments amongst many billions of them, in response to queries from your conscious mind.
- It exerts influence on your behavior based on applying deductive logic to any of its applicable stored imprints.
- It gives you your creativity.
- It dreams.
For those who have been around long enough to know that there used to be some cars built with three wheels, it’s apparent that the conscious mind’s inductive logic is far from foolproof. However, the subconscious mind’s logic is even more haphazard. If your car breaks down on the way to the grocery store, your subconscious may equate breakdowns with going to that store, rather than with driving. If so, every time you go to that store, the experience will weigh on you. Blaming it on driving would be a generalization, and your subconscious isn’t wont to do that. Another problem is that the inner mind is incapable of readily recognizing contradictions. It can hold two or more contradictory ideas without concern. And, by the way, if your subconscious doesn’t know the answer to something, it will be only too happy to venture a guess. Generating hunches is part of its job description.
Despite its shortcomings, the subconscious is simply amazing. Never sleeping, it stores all information available to it. And, that includes subliminal information. Only some of the data input from our senses is passed on to our conscious minds, but all of the raw data is available to our subconscious minds, and it is all recorded.
Dealing with our subconscious minds can be awkward. It’s important to remember that the subconscious is not conscious. In one way, we can think of it as being an automaton, in that it follows its programming without any sense of self. However, this analogy suffers when we consider the vast complexity of the subconscious mind, not to mention the fact that one of its key roles is storing and handling emotions. Furthermore, the subconscious exhibits traits that we may think of as requiring consciousness, in that it can be at odds with our conscious minds, even to the point of seeming to be angry. Yes, the hidden mind can mechanistically serve up emotions of resentment and bitterness not only towards others, but towards ourselves, as well. The former is debilitating, but the latter can easily be fatal. And, that’s not all that can go wrong.
Dysfunctional Imprints
Imprints are special emotions that the subconscious has earmarked for making decisions. These beliefs seem to have as attributes: the rule itself, an imputed list of applications, and a weighting. When an event triggers the mind’s search for a response, an index, or indexes, are searched for all applicable imprints. The weightings and rules of all such imprints are then considered via fuzzy logic to arrive at a conclusion. Such is one characterization, anyway.Say, for instance, that you’re walking around a used-car lot, and you see a salesman approaching. Immediately, you tense up, is this not so? You have literally billions of imprints that form the foundation of your mind’s expert system. This system is assigned the tasks of providing for your procreation, your preservation, and to some extent even the preservation of the species, not to mention making you wary of car salesmen.
When we were born, we inherited the strongest imprints from our parents, albeit at reduced weightings. This had a lot to do with who we are. Imprints can be handed down to the second, and third generations. So, you carry some of your parents’ and grandparents’ imprints. Mostly, however, we carry our own imprints, ones that we have formed ourselves. There’s no telling when imprints will be formed, as this can happen under most any circumstance. Whether this happens in any particular situation depends, in part, on other imprints. Thus, they tend to propagate in clusters. The sources of imprint formation can be things we have heard, things we have felt or smelled or tasted or seen, or even things we have thought.
Such is all well and fine, until we consider that some imprints work against our own conscious desires. These are called dysfunctional imprints. And, we have many such imprints. If you are a smoker, almost certainly you have imprints that demand that you keep smoking. If you are overweight, you probably have imprints reinforcing either your eating behaviors, or your metabolic problems. These are just two examples out of millions of possible situations where your subconscious has gotten wrong ideas somewhere along the line. Not only can your subconscious mind cause you to do things that are unhealthy, but it can also directly cause physical or mental illness in you. One of the most common effects of emotional dysfunction is pain. It’s amazing, but even if chronic pain in an individual is known to have originated from an injury, it likely persists because of imprints that were generated at the time of the injury, or later.
Vibrational Medicine covers treatment of all of the body’s energy systems. Treating disease without considering the involvement of the mind just makes no sense. If you, or a loved one, have a chronic disease, the elimination of dysfunctional imprints represents a possible opportunity for relief. Everyone can benefit from Vibrational Medicine, even those who just want to improve their athletic or professional skills.
Take a Little Control of Your Subconscious Mind
There’s something you can start doing immediately to help your mind help yourself: charge your subconscious mind with tasks. This is best done just before you fall asleep. Use the opportunity each night to assign a task to be done while you’re resting. As you are falling into sleep, your consciousness descends to lower and lower frequencies until it joins your subconscious. In those last few waking moments, your inner mind is considerably more open to suggestion than normal. As you begin your slumber, your autopilot will prepare your body for its nocturnal duties of cleansing, repairing, and replenishing. Being largely freed of processing requests from your conscious mind, it will also begin its tasks of rearranging its stored data, and reflecting on the day’s developments. As time permits, it will work on your suggestion.It’s best to think ahead of time about what the night’s suggestion should be. For one thing, it’s easy to fall asleep before deciding, and you may forget what your charge is, otherwise. Also, though, it’s best to let your subconscious know that the matter is serious enough to warrant your conscious attention ahead of time. It’s also good to provide a deadline, but if results aren’t seen by then, don’t be impatient. Be respectful of your subconscious. And, be very appreciative when you get your results. In fact, always be appreciative toward your subconscious mind.
Suggestions could include many things, such as stopping smoking, inventing something, eliminating irritation toward someone, leading you to a greater understanding of yourself, etc. Even if you don’t provide a suggestion to your subconscious on a particular night, always think pleasant thoughts as you fall asleep. Worry and discord should be the farthest things from your mind. Sweet dreams.
But Don’t Be Deceived
Because the mind and other human energy systems are mysterious and powerful, it’s very easy for people to get carried away. And, they do. There are those who claim that the subconscious has no bounds. They say that the mind has access to information about everything that has ever happened, anywhere. Some even say that the subconscious can work out everything that ever will happen. Thusly, the subconscious mind’s deficiencies in temporal awareness are contrived to be a glorious asset.At the root of such beliefs is often the tenet that we all have one mind (the Universal Mind). It’s currently impossible for us to explain how something as magnificent as the human mind can be manifested in something as small as a human brain. It’s easy to sympathize with this viewpoint if you consider the case of, say, small birds with brains no larger than a pea. Even if you consider the contributions of the rest of the bird’s body, how can such a small brain possibly support the functionality of a bird? Anyway, the theory goes that our minds are actually somewhere else, and our brains are just filters (something akin to two-way radios). Further, the theory goes, there is really just one big mind that supports all living things, and that’s how mental telepathy and remote viewing and such, are possible.
At this point, it’s unknowable whether our minds are in our brains. However, it is easy to see that once you start delving into mysterious beliefs, it’s a slippery slope into the occult. One leap leads to another, with no way of doing a reality check. The human mind is wonderful enough without exaggerating its capabilities. Life would be impossible to live if we were to only do those things we fully understand, but keeping to what is at least proximately known, is the best way to exploit the benefits of Vibrational Medicine.
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