With so many different kinds of medications and treatments available for erectile dysfunction, it can be difficult to find the right medication that is suited to your needs. Your doctor can definitely point you in the right direction, but you may want to do some research on your own first.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction affects about 15 million men in the United States; men with diabetes have a 50% more chance of developing erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a number of different things such as stress, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems and alcoholism.
Erectile occurs when there isn’t a sufficient amount of blood reaching the penis caused by constricted muscles and blood vessels. The two blood vessels inside the penis that need to receive blood are called the corpus cavernosum. When erectile dysfunction occurs, these blood vessels are typically constricted so that no amount of blood can enter.
When one takes a drug for erectile dysfunction such as Viagra or Cialis, nitric oxide is released into the blood stream relaxing the smooth muscle in the penis. Once the smooth muscle is relaxed, the corpus cavernosum un-constricts allowing an ample amount of blood to enter the penis. Once the penis fills with blood an erection is able to occur and be sustained long enough for sexual satisfaction.
Viagra works in the same way as listed above. Viagra has a four hour effectiveness meaning that the male must take the pill four hours prior to sexual intercourse. The male then has to wait for the erection to occur and then can proceed to sex. Once the erection has occurred, the male will be able to sustain it long enough for sexual pleasure; he can have sex anytime during these four hours after the erection occurs.
Cialis works just like Viagra by releasing nitric oxide into the blood stream allowing the smooth muscle to relax and the penis to fill with blood causing an erection. The difference between these two erectile dysfunction medications is great. While Viagra has a four hour effectiveness, Cialis has a 36 hour effectiveness allowing the male to engage in sexual activity any time during these 36 hours.
One of the bigger differences is that a man experiencing erectile dysfunction that is taking Cialis has to take the pill everyday at the same time. The male will only experience an erection if he is sexually stimulated instead of having to wait around for the erection to occur like you would with Viagra.
Some men like Cialis better than Viagra because of the freedom Cialis allows in the bedroom. With Cialis males and their partners, do not have to plan sexual intercourse but instead can allow it to happen more naturally.
Side effects of Cialis and Viagra
Both Viagra and Cialis have most of the same side effects such as hypotension, possibility of an erection lasting longer than four hours (if this occurs it is considered a medical emergency) dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Usually the side effects are uncommon and mild, if one experiences a serious side effect; it is recommended you contact emergency physicians.
Only you and your doctor can determine which erectile dysfunction medication is right for you. Discuss your medical history and any medications you may be taking with your doctor before you start either drug.
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