Although we now know that the subconscious mind controls our ideomotor responses, for thousands of years it was thought that the actions were supernaturally driven. Ideomotor response has nothing to do with the supernatural, despite the fact that the methods of invoking the responses remind people of methods they associate with the occult (however, those who use these methods to summon spirits, are looking for big trouble). There is no question but that the subconscious mind can communicate with the conscious mind through the use of these methods. The easiest such method to learn is the use of a Chevreul pendulum, named after the French chemist, Michel-Eugène Chevreul, who demonstrated that the pendulum movements are a function of our own minds, in 1833.
Before going into how to use a pendulum, it would be good to consider what the subconscious can be reasonably relied upon to faithfully tell us. Roughly, this equates to the question, “What kinds of things does the subconscious mind know?” Well, it knows our memories, our imprints, and our bodies, among other things. So, it would be reasonable for our hidden minds to be able to disclose such information, and we would expect that the information would be accurate. However, as you might guess, there are some problems.
One of the claims that many (including academics) make about the subconscious is that it will never lie to you. Where do they get this stuff? Your subconscious has its own agenda. There are numerous reasons that it might deliberately mislead you. One is that it may resent your intruding in its sphere of influence. Another is that it may be trying to protect you from making what it considers to be a mistake. Or, it may just tell you what you want to hear, or may be unrealistically optimistic, or may just be cantankerous. It’s difficult to fathom an unconscious mind’s being resentful or disruptive, but that’s the way it can be.
There are also reasons that your subconscious might unintentionally mislead you. Don’t forget that your inner mind has reduced reasoning capabilities – it cannot readily generalize, and therefore, it often cannot recognize contradictions in its thinking. Also, just because your subconscious “knows” something, doesn’t mean that the information is readily available to it. Just as it cannot serve up all distant memories to your conscious mind, it will not be able to answer all of your questions correctly if the data in question isn’t indexed to suit your question. Your hidden mind tries to be efficient; it won’t always try hard to “remember” things, as data that isn’t indexed in the required way is very expensive to search.
And, there’s the time factor. Wow! Even though your subconscious always knows what time it is, for some reason it finds it very difficult to relate to time. If your question involves time (most will), your subconscious may confuse the present with the past, or the future. It is, as they say, timeless.
And, don’t even think of investing money based on the answers you get from your subconscious. Well, how about asking it whether you should marry a certain person? Quite likely, your subconscious has already pushed you to marry ill-suited people, so why would you ask it such a question?
Then, there’s the little fact that the hidden mind is a storyteller. It has no lack of imagination.
Fortunately, most of these problems won’t be issues if you’re interrogating your subconscious for the purpose of alleviating mental or physical problems. For instance, if imprints weren’t readily available to your subconscious, those imprints wouldn’t be causing you problems in the first place. The dysfunctional imprints are mainly what you need to identify to rid yourself of problems, and the questions are often as simple as, “Do I have any imprints that cause me to think that smoking is good for me?”
As far as your subconscious mind’s knowing your body, well, your body’s controls are distributed throughout, so much of what’s going on isn’t known to your subconscious. That’s unfortunate for our purposes, but you can still get a lot of very useful information about your body.
It is known that many animals can evaluate the health of other animals by their smell. It is reasonable to suspect that we are able to do the same using our olfactory and meridian channels. Just remember though, your subconscious may serve up hunches to you with utter certainty.
Now, onto the use of the pendulum. The pendulum used is nothing more than a small weight hung by a thread from your hand. A chart is used to make it easier to see what’s going on. There are specially-made pendulums that look nice, and may even be a little easier to use, but a thread tied to a ring or washer will do.
Download a chart and print it out. Sit at a table, and with your forearm at perhaps a 75 degree angle to the table (nearly upright), hold your hand so that your thumb is more-or-less level. Hold the thread between your thumb and index finger such that the weight is hanging just over the origin of the chart. Your position isn’t at all critical, but if you’re uncomfortable, you’re doing something wrong. A picture here would be nice, but it might attract children, and they shouldn’t be doing this.
The pendulum offers an easy way for your subconscious to give you answers by unconsciously controlling your hand muscles. Your yes/no answers will be visible when you see which axis the pendulum is swinging on. Notice that the axes on the chart are not labeled. Since your subconscious may have a preference for which axis is “Yes” and which one is “No,” let it tell you which axis is which. With the pendulum sitting perhaps a quarter of an inch above the origin of the chart, repeatedly say, “Yes.” Some people will see almost immediate results, with the pendulum involuntarily swinging along one of the axes. Others may have to keep at it, a bit. Make sure that you watch the pendulum. Once it’s swinging along one of the axes, mark that axis, “Yes.” Now, say “No,” and mark that axis when the pendulum swings. If you have trouble getting it to involuntarily swing for you, be patient. If necessary, take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes, it’s even necessary to retry a day or two later, but once achieved, it will come naturally. Whatever you do, don’t become impatient, as this will only exacerbate the problem.
Before getting serious about getting answers from your subconscious, it’s a good idea to test whether your conscious mind is inadvertently influencing the pendulum. Ask the question, “Is Albert Einstein still alive?” while consciously thinking, “Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.” The pendulum should answer, “No.” If not, get some more practice before putting any stock whatsoever in the answers you get.
The downloaded chart is actually a 5-axis chart, as it has a rotary-axis. Because the pendulum can circle the chart either clockwise or counter-clockwise, the chart can help you discern six different answers. Some people advocate assigning some additional labels such as “Maybe,” or “Rephrase the question.” The axes can be used in any way you want. Each time you use the pendulum, check to see that the axes are correctly labeled by seeing whether the pendulum swings on the same axis when you say, “Yes,” and so on.
Getting only Yes/No answers is not what we would like, but with experience, you will get to be good at guessing what the answers are. The general idea is to split the set of possible answers roughly in half (or at least into large categories), and then repeat this process until you guess what the answer is. So, for instance, if you are trying to find out where you left your keys, your first question might be, “Are they in the house?” If yes, then you might ask next, “Are they upstairs?” If so, then you might further divide the problem by asking, “Are they in my bedroom?” Then, you’d probably ask “Are they in a pocket?” And, so on. By the way, the first answer you get may be incorrect. Your subconscious knows where you left the item, but it may be too lazy to really think about it, until faced with failure. However, even if you’re absolutely certain that an answer is wrong, check it out anyway – you may be surprised.
It seems to be the case that sometimes when you are trying to guess an answer, your subconscious will pop the correct question into your conscious mind, just to speed up the process.
Some say that your subconscious doesn’t know the meaning of slang-type words. This is dubious, but if you use succinct questions, it’s more difficult for your subconscious to evade your questions. It’s okay to ask your hidden mind why it isn’t cooperating, but don’t chastise it too harshly. You have to live with your subconscious. Besides, you’ll get less cooperation by scolding it.
Besides being friendly to your subconscious, be serious, but only casually so. And, ideomotor questioning is not for entertainment. It is not a toy, and do not let children know about it, as they may misunderstand and try to summon spirits with it. Also, do the questioning alone and pose your own questions, not someone else’s.
Well, breaking that last rule, here are some sample questions to get you started:
- Do I want to be healthy?
- Do I want to be prosperous?
- Do I have any emotions that make me think it’s good to be overweight?
- Do I have any emotions that are causing my backaches?
- Do I want to live?
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