Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

sarung balita ada toh..?

sesuai nama judul saya mau review nih tentang sarung balita, kenapa sarung balita?
karena moment ramadhan (pas banget ama bulan ini) dan moment mengajarkan anak sholat, untuk kaum muslim, berjalan terus.
nah biasanya kita mengajak anak sholat baik di mesjid maupun dirumah, kita memasangkan sarung, lalu melipat 2 sarung tersebut, dan di pakaikan ke anak. tapi biasanya sarung tetap saja kebesaran.
setelah browsing ke sana kemari, eh ketemu nih sarung...hmmm nice idea nih. satu lagi solusi dan motivasi untuk ajak si kecil sholat.

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

mengenal lebih dekat e bay

Sebagian dari kita mungkin telah mengetahui ebay.
ebay adalah adalah sebuah situs lelang yang memungkinkan orang-orang dari seluruh dunia dapat membeli dan menjual berbagai barang dan jasa.
namun bagaimana memperoleh keuntungan dari ebay tersebut, masih banyak yang belum mengetahui sepenuhnya, atau tidak sama sekali.
ebay sama dengan situs yang menyediakan kemudahan berbagi barang dagangan. namun kebanyakan berbisnis di e bay adalah sistem drop ship, anda sebagai makelar barang tersebut.
anda menjadi penghubung antara pemilik barang dan pembeli. sungguh sangat mudah karena anda bebas menentukan harga. namun apabila anda mematok harga terlalu tinggi, maka bisa dipastikan tidak akan ada yang beli.
jadi apa yang harus dilakukan dalam menentukan harga dan memenangi persaingan penjualan?
simpan dulu pertanyaannya yah,
ada satu tantangan lagi, karena pemilik barang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan pembeli maka anda yang akan dihubungi apabila ada barang yang bermasalah. so masih berani??? ...
hehehehe.... tenang sob. nggak semua kok produsen barang, jail. masih banyak tuh yang reputasinya baik untuk diajak kerja sama siapa dong, dan bagaimana mencari produsen yang berkualitas, yang membuat kerja sama jadi lebih nikmat??
mau tau.......
belajar di sini aja lah, udah ada penasehatnya tuh.

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Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Viagra and Male Infertility Causes, Treatment

When male and female organs function properly, natural processes that these organs are meant for are carried out uninhibited. If any organ is affected in any way, important processes cannot proceed. In view of this, reproduction is an important process that requires both, male and female sexual organs to be in proper order. If either one fails to perform according to the way it should, reproduction cannot take place.
Many people believe that men usually do not have any problems as far as reproduction is concerned and that women are normally to blame when children cannot be produced. However, this is not true, and men may be just as likely to suffer with sexual problems. Sexual problems may be of different kinds, and one of these includes erectile dysfunction in a man. This is the lack of ability to be aroused sexually. If one happens to be aroused, he has a problem having a good enough erection to have sexual intercourse.
Causes of male Infertility:
There are various reasons for this to happen, and psychological conditions as well as physical conditions play important roles in this case. It is known that if a man suffers with depression, stress, etc. he will not get a proper erection. Among the physical conditions as causes for the erectile dysfunction are physical injuries, serious diseases, drug use, lack of blood flow to the erectile tissue for neurological or other reasons.
The Importance of Blood Flow in the Erectile Tissue:
• It must be noted that blood flow in the erectile tissue is particularly important, as this is the reason why an erection takes place. Without a proper blood flow to this reason, an effective erection cannot take place.
• In view of the problem with most erections being lack of blood flow and lack of blood retention in the erectile tissue, there are treatments developed for it. Viagra is one of the most effective ones in the market to day. It is believed that Viagra also does not have many side effects and because of this it is one of the few medications for erectile dysfunction that are most popular.
A Solution to Male Infertility:
Viagra is believed to have an 80% success percentage, and this is because of the ingredients that are used in it. The ingredients directly act on the blood flow for the erectile tissue. They enhance blood flow to the erectile tissue and also deal with controlling the amount of blood leaving the tissue. This is a double action to make sure that blood is retained in the erectile tissue for as long as it is required.
Action of the Viagra Pill:
The Viagra pill needs to be taken 30 minutes before wants to have sexual intercourse, and its effects from then on are really worth it according to those who have used it and experienced its positive effects. It is said that the Viagra pill has a string effects within the first two hours of its expected lasting period which is believed to be around four hours. In the latter two hours, these strong effects diminish considerably.
However, they are good enough to have sex, as the erection does not fade away too much. Hence, one does have approximately around 4 hours to have sex after consuming the pill. A further advantage of this pill is that after finishing with sexual intercourse there are no effects such as prolonged erections. Hence one is saved from the discomfort which other drugs might cause.

Viagra vs Cialis: Advantages and Disadvantages

Since Viagra hit the market there have been attempts to topple its popularity. There have been few drugs introduced that claim to perform better than Viagra. However, many of these drugs come with a warning as well. This is because of the fact that no matter how much a drug company wants to promote its product legally it has to warn everyone about its negative sides. This may be done in the form of a simple warning that tells all customers that the product may not be suitable for them. This is true to say for all medicines produced within the US in case a customer does happen to have problems with a particular medicine. However, the levels of success also count significantly, as this is what draws customers to particular products.
In view of Viagra one can see that it has indeed grown popular ever since it hit the market. One can easily assert that Viagra is a word that millions are familiar with. Indeed because of its reputation as a drug for erectile tissue improvement has overshadowed all others, and has done so without the side effects that most other drugs have.
Indeed, there is no mention that Viagra cannot be consumed when a person has other health problems. It is fine to consume with taking a doctor’s advice in contrast to many other drugs that need accurate descriptions. Cialis is an example of a drug for improvement of the erectile tissue that comes with serious warnings. These warnings are against those individuals that have medicines that are nitrate based. These are alpha-blockers, and in case one does happen to take these drugs it is recommended that they do not take Cialis. This is because one’s blood pressure would be could drop dangerously low. One is also recommended not to intake alcohol as well when taking Cialis, as dizziness is common after a higher intake of this substance.
Though Cialis is apparently very different from Viagra in this regard, it must be asserted that it is also successful at improving the erectile tissue in men who are able to consume it. It must be asserted that Viagra in contrast to Cialis is considered to be much more successful than others because of the fact that it does not compel one to consider health problems. It must be asserted that one needs convenience when trying out a drug that is to improve erection, and Viagra appears to serve this purpose better. It has a natural effect, and this is marked by an erection only at the time of arousal along with a lasting effect till one is finished with sexual intercourse.
Side effects such as headaches and upset stomachs are not a part of the Viagra process. Cialis however causes these and for this reason one may feel uncomfortable taking it.
Comfort is another important thing as well because Viagra certainly does offer this. It is said that Viagra is more natural in its treatment as it allows one to wind up from sexual intercourse in a timely manner. It is not known to have effects such as prolonged erections whereas with Cialis this is known.
Finally, it is most important for one to take a doctor’s advice when considering Cialis because of the fact that an ordinary individual cannot really tell what the repercussions of taking Cialis can be especially when one takes medications for ailments of the heart.

Viagra vs Levitra: Advantages and Disadvantages

When there is more than one type of medicine in the market that appears to do the same job as another, it must be asserted that differences and similarities need to be exposed. In addition to this, their advantages and disadvantages need to be included as well, as this gives one a good idea of what each product really has to offer.
In view of products as Viagra and Levitra, it must be asserted that there are several similarities and differences, and each of them is believed to have its own level of success. However, after having an over view of the status of each medicine one can determine which one of the two is more viable.
Considering Viagra first of all, it is known far and wide that its capability surprises most men. This is because it is able to act part of the natural part of the body. It manages to create its intended effects in quick time preventing one the frustration and worry about things that should be almost automatic. Producing erections that can be compared to men who do not use Viagra is in itself evidence of the level of success. Viagra is indeed a convenient medicine to consume and indeed millions have taken to it. It is available in the form of a pill and is taken according to a fixed dosage.
In contrast to this is Levitra that has to be taken according to prescription. One has to inform his or her physician about his her health condition, as there are particular aspects of one’s health that could interfere with the effectiveness of Levitra. In addition to this and perhaps even more important is the fact that people on particular medications are advised by the physicians whether they are or not permitted to use the medicine. In view of conditions such as blood pressure and heart conditions one must be careful and take a physicians sincere advice.
Some people may be asked to take smaller doses of the medicine and with extended periods between them in order to avoid problems with their health. In view of this, the effectiveness of the medicine will naturally be reduced.
It also must be noted that Levitra is a medicine that cannot be taken without a prescription in any case as opposed to Viagra that can, as it has a fixed dosage. Viagra’s side effects are also at the minimum while Levitra causes symptoms such as colds and dizziness. These however are common and require one to get used to the medicine.
The main advantage that Viagra has over Levitra is that it has its intended effects in people at a high rate. No doubt Levitra is also effective, but Viagra is successful without side effects in most people. Side effects in those who use Levitra are more common, and therefore needs to be careful with the dosage of this medicine. This is appropriate to emphasize here because of the fact that health conditions such as heart disease as well as blood pressure problems are important. With people who take particular medicines for these ailments Levitra is either prescribed with a low dosage or not at all.
To be on the safe side, one would rather go for Viagra as a form of treatment for erectile dysfunction rather that use Levitra that one has to be careful in terms of the dosage and other medicines tat might interact with it.